
随着互联网的发展,我们越来越容易接触到各种歌曲,其中相信大家都听过 Taylor Swift 的《Enchanted》这首歌曲。它自发布以来一直深受粉丝们的喜爱,其中最为重要的就是它的歌词。

《Enchanted》在翻译成中文之后,依然给我们带来了强烈的情感冲击。歌曲中表达了对初见时迷恋的感情,歌词写的非常细腻动人。例如:“This night is sparkling, don't you let it go/ I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home/ I'll spend forever wondering if you knew/ I was enchanted to meet you”这段歌词写出了初次见面的场景,一种初恋般的心情,让人如痴如醉。

而歌曲副歌部分的歌词则是相当地简单直白,但也恰恰因为这样,更能有一定的号召力:“This is me praying that/ This was the very first page/ Not where the story line ends/ My thoughts will echo your name/ Until I see you again/ These are the words I held back/ As I was leaving too soon/ I was enchanted to meet you/ Please don't be in love with someone else/ Please don't have somebody waiting on you/ Please don't be in love with someone else/ Please don't have somebody waiting on you”这段歌词带有一点美好又无奈的意境,让人产生一丝感伤,意犹未尽。

毫无疑问,Taylor Swift 的这首《Enchanted》在歌词的写作上有不少值得借鉴的地方,我们可以通过仔细品味和学习,来提升自己的歌词写作水平。
